Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Ork List

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have had a lot going on. We had a death in the family recently. I moved house. And on a brighter, frivolous note, I have been playing a lot of Magic since I moved. (thanks, James).

I recently came up with a new list for my Orks, and since I had the models (with about half built and fully painted!) I decided that this would be a good time to update, and share my list with everyone. Another update will follow with a WIP pic.
The basic premise, is what if I did an army with no boyz? (It is possible, but sane? Read on to find out how and why.)
So without further ado, here it is.

Warboss – 125 * %
Mega Armor, cybork body, attack squig

Warboss –100 * $
Power Klaw, eavy armor, cybork body

10 Nobz – 435 + %
Painboy, 3 Power Klaws, Waaagh Banner, 3 twin linked shoota
Trukk, - 50 +
Armor plates, grot riggers

10 Nobs – 555 +
Bikes, Painboy, 3 Power klaws (need to build one bike w/o PK)

10 Nobs – 330 * $
Eavy armor, painboy
Trukk – 50 *
Armor plates, grot riggers

10 Nobs – 250 ^
Eavy armor

Deff Dread – 105 *
2 extra c.c. weapons

5 Nobs – 100 ^

TOTAL - 2000

1500 in red (must remove one Nob biker @ - 45 points)

* = need to paint (already built)
^ = need to build and paint
+ = already built and painted
$ = Squad that goes w/ warboss with same icon
% = Squad that goes w/ warboss with same icon

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